
Tuesday, October 4, 2011


We`ll be counting 81 days from now  and Christmas will come. This is the season when we start to think about everything we could do to celebrate Christmas. Off course we are thinking about how much budget we should  save in order to have something to spend for food preparations, gift ideas, fun time, and many more
. But in some cases,  the least we  could do is just to think of ways on how we can make people happy and feel the real spirit of Christmas.

Excitingly decorating our Christmas trees, beautify our houses by putting some garlands and lights around the garden, shopping on the mall, buying gifts for loved ones are just some of the things that cling whenever we talk about the coming Christmas season. But have we ever thought of ways on how we can make the less fortunate people like the street children or the orphans better? As i have observed, some of them still aim for a better life ( not on the road ) with full of hopes and dreams. It feels excessively pity when you see someone like them and heard when they  tried to talk about their dreams and ambitions and feel as if all the opportunities have closed their doors and everything turned back against them. I just can`t control my tears from falling while writing  this post because i suddenly remember my conversation with some  of the less fortunate people  whom i have met along the road. I saw them singing a Christmas carol to all  people who passed by asking for alms. And during the night, they were just sleeping on sidewalks using the newspapers  as  their mat.    I have tried  to asked them about their parents and they just told me that they`re all gone. They were the sole  provider for their own survival. Their parents had abandoned  them since birth. And they don`t even know who their parents are. Even the thing on how  they existed. I have discovered that they have a lot of  talents and all of them want to go to school, want to  achieve their dreams, and want to  have a home with parents and the whole  family which they can call their own.

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