
Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I understand that a lot of people are now thinking about their new year resolution including me as we welcome the fast approaching YEAR OF THE DRAGON-YEAR 2012. Chinese astrologers believed that whoever was born under the dragon year is said to be sharing some characteristics  like innovative, quick-tempered, self-assured, passionate, brave and enterprising. Restraints extinguished their imaginative gleams or flashes that is completely prepared to burst and shine brilliantly into life. So they always love to feel unrestricted.

People who were born under the year of the dragon are mostly who succeed at the top. Concern to help others is their great pleasure, but their pride frequently retard them from receiving identical sort of assistance from others.People under year of the dragon is said to be kind and generous. Those traits are the one making them gain more attraction from friends and others.

Dragon people as i believe are adventurous and risk taking individual.They prefer mostly to enjoy outdoor activities rather than being at home.

Dragon people are hardworker but prefer to do orders instead of doing it by themselves.

Moving ahead on the year 2012, dragon people might find their luck in terms of MONEY where it is said to be bringing them stable and fixed income.But off course they still need to work hard to earn it.Income will increase more than last year but expenses grows more too.In terms of CAREER, there will be an argument and people relationship is poor. In terms of LOVE, social relationship is poor on 2012. You must be open to share your opinion to prevent arguments and trouble or else you might lost the relationship. In HEALTH, dragon people should stay focused on their health. They might have bad health as a result of excessive stress. Circumstances of their character arise from emotional disturbance which can extend from tension headaches, depression to hypertension. So it is recommended for the dragon people to always practice meditation,stay cool and engage themselves on a stress free environment and behavior.

Actually,If you were to ask my own opinion you should not depend your luck on astrological predictions. Skill and luck goes along the same way. Your fortune depends on how well you make your own destiny. In short, your luck depends on you. If you are a hardworking individual then you might as well achieve what you aim for. You always ripped what you saw. And you should always work hard  to earn your success. 

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