
Sunday, July 15, 2012


Are you tired of trying different ways on how to hook up a girl`s interest on you? Tired of being unfortunate on courtship to a girl you like? Well, I`m not an expert on  that but I think you have landed on the right page because I can give you a piece of advice to understand what a girl wants and the things you need to do.

I came to post this article because I got inspired by the situation of my friend who happened to be a boy. He`s  turning 35 on the first month of the next year and still unmarried. It seems that he felt so desperate about it because he looks like he`s in agony. He told me that he doesn`t know what else he could do to earn his admired one`s love and interest. I gave him a piece of advice not just to reinforce within him but to make him understand a girls want and need.

There`s no special formula on how to catch up a girl`s interest. I am a girl and though I can say that girls have big similarities but we are still born differently. We are born having unique decisions, develop our principles and horizons as we grow old. Like for me, my views are set upon how I experienced difficulties in dealing with boys. And the way on how we experience things is where our personality differs.

I was a keen observer and based on my study girl`s interest differ in many ways and here are some of them that might help you figure out what t do......

Some girls are of a quiet and serious type and most of those kind of girls are compatible with a bubbly and cheerful guy. One of my friends ( a girl ) is of this type and she says that she always wanted to be with a guy who talks less emotional and bubbly because a guy like that makes her world rock and alive while an emotional guy just makes her feel inanimate.

Girls who are tagged as cheerful and talk so much with great sense of humor wants a guy who is of same type with her who has a great sense of humor who talk things in a teasingly way who have learned how to put  things on its place when time to get serious.

When a guy talks seriously inlove with the girl upon courting her, some girls might find it boring specially when a girl is 10 to 15 years younger than a guy. In that way, if a guy really wants to catch up a girl`s interest he should make his company more engaging.

Actually, those things which I have mentioned above are based on how I have studied things around with my friends and my past. Things change as life changes. Don`t loose hope. Keep on fighting as long as you don`t loose your respect with the girl you like. And the best thing you can do is just to be with yourself so would be able to know if a girl really accepts you for what you are or not. " IT IS STILL BEST TO KNOW THAT YOU WERE NOT ACCEPTED AND NOT LOVED BEING YOURSELF RATHER THAN BEING ACCEPTED AND LOVED FOR WHAT YOU ARE NOT."


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